Black Headed Caiques for Sale

Black Cap Caiques are very affectionate birds who love human interaction, and interaction with other birds. Though they can become aggressive towards other birds so they shouldn’t be left alone with other pets.

One interesting trait of Caiques is they will lay on their backs, and play with their toys with their feet which is amusing to see.

Black Headed Caiques are very similar looking to White Belly Caiques with having a white chest, and belly. An orange throat, and legs with their back , and wings being green, but the top of their head, and face is black.

Category: Product ID: 725


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Black Headed Caiques parrots are brilliant and enjoy learning and showing off their tricks. They are, however, very strong-willed and will need a firm hand in training and any interaction. If you’re not persistent and firm with your handling of a Black Cap, they can become aggressive towards people. They love to play finders keepers. If you have different things missing, you should check your companion’s cage. If they have it, they will not just hand it over because anything they find or hide; they consider them their toys.

Black Cap Caiques live 25 to 40 years, and many are living longer due to healthier diets and lifestyles. Caiques are not for first-time bird owners, and you should have experience with handling birds. Thought and consideration should go into the purchasing of a companion bird because these are lifetime companions

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