Cockatiels for sale


Two young friendly cockatiels, one male and one female with large black bird cage with toys, perches food bowls etc.

SKU: 111 Category: Tag: Product ID: 886


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Cockatiels for sale There’s a reason why the cockatiel is one of the most popular companion birds — this slender Australian parrot can be both cuddly and bold. Cockatiels can also be curious and, at times, feisty. With a cockatiel in the house, you are likely to hear a repertoire of chirps and whistles.

Personality & Behavior

Cockatiels for sale The position of a cockatiel’s crest feathers can tell you its mood. Straight-up crest feathers can mean the bird is startle or highly curious. A defensive cockatiel will hold its crest feathers flattened close its head, and it might be especially stress if it also hisses. A relax cockatiel will have slightly held back crest feathers, as well as fluffed cheek feathers and you might also hear it contentedly grinding its beak.

Speech & Sound

Cockatiels are more inclined to whistle than talk. Male cockatiels are more likely to talk than females, and some can learn to speak a few words or phrases. Cockatiels tend to chirp rather than screech, and their relatively lower noise volume makes them a good apartment pet. Your cockatiel might chirp a contact call if you leave the room in an attempt to keep in contact with you.

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