Illigers Macaws for Sale


Beautiful, playful, and charming, the Illiger’s macaw has grown in popularity as a pet. Also called the blue-winged macaw, this may be a small parrot, but they do require an owner who has plenty of time to spend with them. As an extremely social bird, they want to be part of the family and will take well to training.

Most people choose a mini macaw species because they think they can’t handle a larger bird. While the Illiger’s macaw might be considered a mini, they act just like the big guys.

Category: Product ID: 629


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Illiger’s macaws are playful, friendly birds that enjoy human interaction. When hand-fed as babies and raised in loving, attentive homes, these intelligent parrots will bond strongly with their owners and will quickly respond to positive training techniques.

Illiger’s macaws require a lot of mental stimulation, and they like to stay busy.

Origin and History

The range of the Illiger’s macaw is toward the southern part of central South America.

Illiger’s macaw Temperament
Illiger’s macaws are playful, friendly birds that enjoy human interaction. When handfed as babies and raised in loving, attentive homes, these intelligent birds will bond strongly with their owners.

The birds require a lot of mental stimulation, and they like to stay busy. They want to be part of the action in a home and will often wander around looking for something that piques their interest or will sit on a shoulder to see what you’re doing. Their curiosity and quick wits also help them respond quickly to positive training techniques.

Feeding an Illiger’s Macaw
Feed your Illiger’s miniature macaw a diet consisting of high-quality seed and pellet mix and plenty of fresh bird-safe fruits and vegetables. Making sure that the bird has a varied diet that includes fresh foods will put him on the path to optimal nutrition.

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