White Front Amazon Parrots for Sale


The white-fronted Amazon parrot is one of the smaller of the Amazon species. But despite its small size, this bird has an enormous assertive personality. Even in the wild, it often approaches people, and in captivity, it tends to form close bonds with a single person, to whom it shows great playful friendliness. Its personality, colorful plumage, and great talking ability—along with its relative affordability—make this a favorite pet among the Amazon parrots.

Category: Product ID: 787


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The white-fronted Amazon parrot, although of medium size within the entire parrot group, is one of the smaller of the Amazon species. But despite its small size, this bird has an enormous assertive personality. Even in the wild, it often approaches people, and in captivity, it tends to form close bonds with a single person, to whom it shows great playful friendliness. Its personality, colorful plumage, and great talking ability—along with its relative affordability—make this a favorite pet among the Amazon parrots.

They are very amusing with their adventuresome antics. They are very agile and avid about chewing, so they need lots of toys and places to climb. These Amazons make a good pet for adults and children alike. They are fairly good talkers and are quieter than their larger cousins. Like all Amazon though, they can be a bit noisy and may not be suitable for apartment life.


White-fronted Amazons are not considered especially suited as pets for large families with children but may be great for a single owner. They do bond strongly with their owners, but some have a tendency to become “one-person birds.” It is best to socialize them thoroughly at a young age, or they become reclusive as they get older. They are a good choice for owners that have plenty of spare time to spend with their new bird.

Like many Amazon species, some white-fronted Amazons some may go through a hormonal bluffing stage as they reach maturity. For this reason, they are recommended for those who have experience keeping medium- to large-sized birds. This is quite a hardy bird that can do well in protected outdoor aviaries.

The white-fronted Amazon parrot has a variety of vocalizations at its command, including squealing, barking sounds, loud harsh trills and notes, and other short, sharp noises.

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